Bug Fix Procedure
Our Support teams will help with workarounds and bug reporting
We'll generally fix critical bugs in the next maintenance release
We schedule non-critical bugs according to a variety of considerations
Bug reports
Create an issue on our Service Desk Portal, providing as much information as you can about how to replicate the problem you're experiencing. We'll replicate the bug to verify, then log the report for you. We'll also try to construct workarounds if possible.
How we approach bug fixing
Bug fix releases are more frequent than feature releases, and target the most critical bugs affecting customers.
We assess each bug based on the symptom severity (that is, when this bug causes symptoms, how severe are those symptoms). There are three levels of symptom severity.
Critical – P1
The application is unavailable. Users aren't able to perform their job function, and no workarounds are available.
Major – P2
A feature is unavailable, application performance is significantly degraded, or users job functions are impaired.
Minor – P3
The application or specific feature isn't working as expected, but there is a workaround available. Users experience is impacted, but their job function is not impaired.
These tickets will then follow our normal Incident Management Process.
Assessing bugs using symptom severity makes sure that we prioritise the most impactful fixes.
We give high priority to security issues.
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IT Services, Runshaw College