Creating an assignment in Similarity using Microsoft Teams

Creating an assignment in Similarity using Microsoft Teams

Adding Turnitin to a Microsoft Teams assignment

As an instructor you can now use Turnitin as a part of your normal workflow by adding it to any Microsoft Teams assignment.

  1. From the Assignments tab in Teams, select the Create button.

  2. Using the dropdown list, select + New assignment.

  3. Complete the assignment creation process as you usually would. 

  4. Select the Options link at the top right of the page.

  5. Flip the Turnitin toggle to the active Yes state. This will make it so any files submitted to the assignment will also be sent to Turnitin so that we can generate a Similarity Report.

  6. Select the Close button to close the Options panel. Then, select the Assign button at the bottom left to make the assignment available to students.

To ensure Similarity in Teams select Options > Click ‘Yes’

Things to consider when using Microsoft Teams Similarity

  • Students can access the Similarity report immediately after hand-in by refreshing the pending report.

  • Teams does not share student metadata with Turnitin, so it is not possible to identify a student user as the same across Turnitin account set-ups.

  • All submissions made to a Microsoft Teams assignment with Similarity will be indexed in the student submission database. This means if a paper is then later submitted to Turnitin Feedback Studio, a match will be found to a paper already submitted at the same institution (as above, student name unknown).

  • Instructors and students have access to the same report view with limited match information.

  • Submissions are checked when they are submitted. This means that collusion checking does not occur across the assignment. New submissions are only checked against existing submissions.

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IT Services, Runshaw College