Adobe - Uninstall Duplicate/Old Creative Cloud Apps
To remove duplicate entries and manage auto-updates in Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop, follow these steps:
1. Open the Creative Cloud app from the start menu or desktop icon
2. Make sure the "Apps" tab and "All apps" is selected at the top
3. Scroll down your list of installed Creative Cloud apps and find a duplicate entry. E.G InDesign listed twice.
4. Click on the "..." to the right of any entry with a lower version number to open the options menu.
5. Select "Uninstall" from the dropdown menu.
6. If prompted about application preferences, select ‘Remove’.
7. Repeat the above steps until all installed applications are listed only once.
8. Click on "Updates" near the upper left corner of the Adobe CC Desktop window.
9. Click on "Manage auto-updates" at the top.
10. Click on any applications that have auto-updates off to toggle them on.
11. Click on "Advanced options" next to the app. Check the box next to "Remove older versions"
12. This will remove all older versions of this app each time it updates to the newest version to keep that much needed space on your laptop.
13. Repeat these steps for all apps that have auto-updates turned off.
Remove all Unwanted Adobe Apps Completely
If you don’t really use a lot of Adobe Apps, consider deleting all other Apps except Adobe Acrobat to free up space on your laptop. Adobe Acrobat is used to open and edit PDF’s and we recommend this remains installed on your laptop. The other apps are to your preference.
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