Microsoft Outlook - Using @mentions

Microsoft Outlook - Using @mentions

To get someone's attention in an email or meeting invite, type the @ symbol followed by their name within the message or invite. Doing so will highlight their name and prompt Outlook to add them to the To line, ensuring they notice, and add the @ symbol next to their message in the Inbox.

New Outlook

Use @ in the body of a message or meeting invite

  1. In the body of the email message or calendar invite, enter the @ symbol and the first few letters of the contact's first or last name.

  2. When new Outlook offers you one or more suggestions, choose the contact you want to mention. By default, the contact's full name is included and added to the ‘To:’ line.

  3. You can delete a portion of the mention, for example, everything other than the person's first name.

Filter for messages that mention you

If you receive a lot of email, you might want to filter the messages in a folder to see only those messages that mention you.

1. At the upper right of message list, select image-20240513-143254.png Filter.

2. Select ‘@ Mentions me’.

Classic Outlook

Use @ in the body of a message or meeting invite

  1. In the body of the email message or calendar invite, enter the @ symbol and the first few letters of the contact's first or last name.


2. When Outlook offers you one or more suggestions, choose the contact you want to mention. By default, the contact's full name is included and added to the 'To:' line.


3. You can delete a portion of the mention, for example, everything other than the person's first name.

Filter for messages that mention you

Use @mentions to get someone's attention in Outlook for Windows

Outlook for Microsoft 365 Outlook 2021 Outlook 2019 New Outlook for Windows

To capture someone's attention in an email or meeting invite, type the @ symbol followed by their name within the message or invite. Doing so will highlight their name and prompt Outlook to add them to the To line, ensuring they notice, and add the @ symbol next to their message in the Inbox.

Select a tab option below for the version of Outlook you're using. What version of Outlook do I have?

New OutlookClassic Outlook


Use @ in the body of a message or meeting invite

  1. In the body of the email message or calendar invite, enter the @ symbol and the first few letters of the contact's first or last name.

  1. When Outlook offers you one or more suggestions, choose the contact you want to mention. By default, the contact's full name is included and added to the ‘To:’ line.

  2. You can delete a portion of the mention, for example, everything other than the person's first name.

Filter for messages that mention you

If you receive a lot of email, you might want to filter the messages in a folder to see only those messages that mention you.

  1. At the upper right of message list, select the current filter label. 

  2. Under ‘Filter’, select ‘Mentioned Mail’.

Add Mention to your email columns to see where you are mentioned

In the message list, you can add the Mention column to quickly see if you are @mentioned in an email.

1. Select the ‘View tab’, and under Current View, select View Settings.

2. Select ‘Columns’.

3. If Mention is not listed in the ‘Show these columns in this order:’ list on the right side, change the available columns to ‘All Mail fields’.

4. Scroll down to ‘Mention’ and select it.

5. Select ‘Add' and then ‘OK’ and 'OK’ again.


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