Microsoft Outlook - Add Shared Mailbox (Windows)
Newer shared mailboxes will appear in Outlook within an hour of being given access - older ones will need adding manually.
If you want to view a shared mailbox from the web version see Shared Mailbox - Access from Webmail
To add a mailbox manually from the main Outlook screen
Right-click on a current mailbox in the left-hand column
Click on Data File Properties - This will prompt a window to open.
Click on the Advanced button - this will prompt another window to open.
Click on the Advanced tab
Click on the Add button, type the mailbox name & click OK
It should then appear in the mailbox list:
Repeat for additional mailboxes
Click OK
Then Next & Finish
If you regularly send emails “from” the shared mailbox rather than using your own name, it is worth showing the “From” field when composing an email:
Create a New email
Click Options
Click From
This will then enable you to send an email “From” that mailbox, if you have access
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