Student Loan Equipment


This facility allows you to create & monitor equipment loans for students from the portal.  


To Create the Loan

  • Find the student on the Staff Portal

  • From the Administration menu select Loans

  • Select New Loan

  • Enter details of the equipment to be loaned (please note the search can only be used for equipment in the IT Services database, eg PCs, tablets)

  • Select Type & Department Code

  • Enter start & end date

  • Save

An email is automatically sent to the student to read the terms & conditions (if you need this setting up please contact the Service Desk) and agree to the loan (a link is also on their portal) - the status will show Waiting for signature until this is done (& you will also receive an email)

Once the status is showing as Arranging Loan click on View & click Confirm Item Received when you have given it to the student.  The status will change to On loan

Return Equipment

  • Find the student on the Staff Portal

  • From the Administration menu select Loans

  • Click View next to the loan item

  • At the bottom of the page select the Return Condition, enter any notes & the return date

  • Click Return Item

Check Loan Status

You can check the status of loans by student:

  • Find the student on the Staff Portal

  • From the Administration menu select Loans

Or you can filter by Department Code, Status & Academic year:

  • From the Staff Portal home page

  • Select Student Loans from the Applications menu

IT Services, Runshaw College