Planet Estream - Uploading Videos


Videos can be uploaded to Planet Estream and made available to staff and students via links or added to Moodle. 

Please visit the Remote Learning section on the T&Loodle page for instructions on adding videos to Moodle & also how to create screen recordings.


The link to estream is below (also on My Runshaw) - login with your normal ID & password

Click on the Create menu & select Upload

Select Upload video or audio files

Once you have selected the file to upload you have various options to select, the ones you need to look at are:

  • Use filename for title - if you untick you can type a title in if required

  • Staff Only - click yes or no

  • Select Categories - select one from list

Once done click Confirm & then start upload

Once it's uploaded it will give you a direct link - but if you need to find it again you can search for the name or click on your name top right & select Home, click on the Media tab & select My media 

IT Services, Runshaw College