How to Check Student Home Areas

  1. Go to vm-students-01 on Remote Desktop

  2. Run Command Prompt as Admin

  3. Type dir S:\students\/b /a:d >StudentUsers.txt

This will create a text file called StudentUsers wherever you are pointing to in Command Prompt

  1. Go to the C drive and create a new folder called NotOnAD

  2. Open Powershell and run the below script to generate the csv file of all users and their home area paths

get-content StudentUsers.txt | get-aduser -Properties HomeDirectory | select-object Samaccountname,HomeDirectory | Export-csv –path C:\NotOnAD\r004users.csv

^ the above should all be on one line

  1. Find the R004users.csv file in the folder you have just created and filter to make sure there are no students with empty home area paths

IT Services, Runshaw College