Create Email Group
If you want to create an email group for your own personal use please follow the instructions below, if you want a group in the college address book for everyone to use please contact the Service Desk.
Click here to see full instructions which include screen shots.
In Outlook:
Go to People at the bottom left-hand corner
Select New Contact Group from the top menu bar
Type in a group name
Select Add Members
You can select From Outlook Contacts (your personal contact list), From Address Book (the college address book) or New Email Contact (type in a new address)
If you choose either of the 1st two options, find the person you want to add & double click on them to add to the members box at the bottom, repeat until you have all the required name & click OK
If you choose New Email Contact enter a display name & their address & click OK (if you leave Add to Contacts ticked it will also add the name to your personal contacts)
Once all the names are added click Save & Close
The first time you want to send an email to this group, in a new email click on the To: button & change the Address Book to Contacts to see your group – double click on it & press OK.
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IT Services, Runshaw College