File Search
You can search for files on home or shared areas with various criteria such as name. size, date
Open file explorer (This PC from desktop or file icon on task bar)
Go to the area you want to search
Click in the search box top right
If you are searching by file or folder name just type the text in this box & it will start searching
If you want to search on other criteria click on the Search tab (if you can't see this tab just type any text in the search box to bring it up - you can then delete the text)
In the search tab you can see additional properties to search on such as Size or Date Modified (you can combine these searches)
If you need to search for a specific date range select any option from Date modified & then click in the search box to see a calendar
Alternatively you can edit the date modified to search for anything older than a specific date. Type <(date) after datemodified: in the search box (so it looks something like datemodified:<01/01/2015)
When you see the results of a search you can open or delete files directly. If you need to see their location click on the View tab & select Details,
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