Give Access to Room Calendars

All staff can add the room to a meeting in Outlook & depending on the set up it will either be accepted automatically or a booking delegates will approve.

If you need to be given booking delegate access please contact the Service Desk

Shared Access

If staff need access to book directly but shouldn't receive the appointment emails then a member of staff who is a booking delegate can give them access.  Details on how they do this are below.


To Give Access:

Firstly access the room mailbox from the web (as detailed in the link below) & then click on the calendar

Click Share (top right)

Type in the name (if the address doesn’t appear automatically select Search people & click on the name)

Change Can View All Details to Can Edit

Click Share


To Remove Access:


Follow the steps above to the 1st click on Share option

You will see a list of staff who already have access – click on the remove icon  to remove their access

IT Services, Runshaw College