Change the Default Application for Opening Files

Change the Default Application for Opening Files


A file is being opened in the wrong application or you would like another application to be the default for opening certain file types.


1) Go to the search bar on the task bar, search for 'default apps' and click the first result.

2) Then in the search under 'Set defaults for applications' find the application that you want to use. For example 'Photos'

3) Scroll down and find the relevant file extension for the file you want to open. 


You can check file extensions by looking at the properties section of the file you want to open. To do this:

1) Right-click on the file and select 'Properties'

2) Go to the 'Details' tab and look at the 'Name' section under file and you should be able to see the file extension.

For example:




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IT Services, Runshaw College