Appointments & Self Help Skill Management
This section of the staff portal sets what appointment types can be booked for staff and also allows staff to add information to the relevant section of the student help section.
Any staff who have access to a specific skill area can add staff to that area.
To access the Skill Management Area select the Help Centre from the Applications menu on the Staff Portal, there is also a Skill Management tab in the Appointments system which takes you to the same place.
Down the left hand side you will see a description of all the skills (the 1st few are shown below)
To the right under Staff & Keywords you will see images of the staff who already have access, hover over an image to see the persons name.
To add staff click on the skill name
In the box under staff type the name, when you see it in yellow below the box click on it to select it then click on the + to add it
Once you have added all the staff scroll down to the bottom & click Save
IT Services, Runshaw College