How To Download Address Data
Downloading address data allows a member of staff to easily create letters or labels to send to a large number of students.
Selecting the Students
If you have a list of student IDs:
Launch Staff Portal
In the Applications menu, click "Bulk Student"
Scroll down to "Paste Student IDs" section
Copy + Paste in the list of students, ensuring they are separated by either spaces, commas, semi-colons or new lines.
Click "Check students"
The result of this may return invalid. The warning text will say which student IDs are invalid. Correct the invalid students and click "Check students" again.
If the result is valid, click "Add Records to List"
Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click "next" in the bottom-right corner.
You can also use custom filters with the above options to select students from specific years, courses etc. Once the filter is applied select Add Records to List before selecting Next
If you want all students from a particular course or class:
Launch Staff Portal
Go to the page of the applicable course.
For all the students in a course, click "Actions" in the top menu.
For all of the students in a class, click into the class in the "Classes" list in the centre of the page.
Click "Applications & Tasks" in the the top menu, then "Actions"
You should now be on the Student Bulk Creation page.
Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click "next" in the bottom-right corner.
Collecting the Address Data
Now, click "Download Address Data"
Select whether the addresses are for the parents or the student.
If "Parents" is selected, any students with a parental block will have their information blanked out. They will still appear in the downloaded list, so that staff are aware of which students need to be contacted in an alternative manner.
Click "Download Data".
The user should receive a .csv file, which can be opened in Excel.
Make sure that the file is deleted after use.
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IT Services, Runshaw College