Oculus VR - Getting Started

Just a few things to get you started & the site below has some more info



If you wear glasses a spacer is available to add to the headset.

The lenses can be adjusted for your eye spacing - they slide closer together or further apart.

The straps for the headset can be adjusted at the top & back

Using the Hand Controls

The triggers at the front are used to select menu items

The O button on the right hand controller will bring up the main menu shown below (& if you press & hold will always move it in front of the direction you are looking).

Hover over an icon to see what it does - the right hand icon brings up all the apps

The First Steps app has a tutorial on how to use the control & give you objects to play with

If you want to quit an app either press the O button or press the front right trigger.

Play Area Boundaries

There are 2 options to select - stationary & roomscale

Stationary creates a small circular area around where you are standing

Roomscale allows you to draw a boundary around you

If you leave the play area you will lose the VR video & see a black and white version of your true surroundings - at this point you will get a message to return to play area or create a new boundary

Hand Tracking

Hand tracking is available in some apps (and on the main menu) - this allows you to use your hands instead of the controllers

If you want to switch this option on:

  • Click on quick settings (hover over the left hand area of the menu to see this)

  • Click on Settings

  • Hands and contollers

  • Hand Tracking

When you enable this it will show you how to select items using your hands & how to get the Oculus menu

The Elixir app is a good one to try out hand tracking

The site below has some more info


IT Services, Runshaw College