Online Prevent Training - Issues

Online Prevent Training - Issues

Professional Development contacted the Home Office about the issues some staff were experiencing with the online Prevent training package – please find below their response which offers advice on how to work round this issue:

We are aware that there is some technical issue with the site, which seems to be exacerbated by the high demand to use product at this time. We know that this may not be the most convenient option, but if you could plan to complete the training at less busier times, early morning or late evening. We have found that it may be beneficial to clear the cache, cookies and/or use different browser, before starting the training if this is being completed in a setting where a number of people are using the same PC.   We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Issues include:

  • "Bad Gateway" error

  • Videos failing part way through

IT Services, Runshaw College