OneDrive & Teams - Recover Files
If you have deleted or overwritten a file saved on OneDrive or in the Files section of Teams you can recover it.
For OneDrive both options listed below are accessed via the OneDrive website
For Teams open the File section in the team or channel & select Open in SharePoint
Deleted File
Deleted files can be recovered from the Recycle bin for up to 90 days
The recycle bin can be found in the left hand menu
Select the file/files required & select Restore from the top menu
If you can't find what you are looking for check the Second-stage recycle bin - a link to this can be found at the bottom of the recycle bin list
Overwritten File/Earlier Version
If you have saved over a file & it's no longer showing the version you want you can recover earlier versions of a file.
Select the file you want (click to the left of the file name to select it)
Click on ... on the top menu & select Version history
You will see a list of dates & times the file was modified.
Hover over a version to see the options icon
Click on the option to Open the file to view it or Restore
Restore will over write the current version - if you want to keep that as well use Save As
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