Lanschool - Instructions for Changing Channel

Open Lanschool

Navigate to “Administrator” which is located in the top menu panel once you have opened the Administrator menu click on-to Preferences and “Use single channel” should be selected in the bottom left corner.



The channel number should be the correct channel required for the specific classroom, if the incorrect channel is selected the monitors will not appear.

Click Apply and await the PCs to come through for that channel.

Below are the channel numbers that correspond to the correct room

R002 Channel = 2

R007 Channel = 7

R008 Channel = 8

R202 Channel = 202

R203 Channel = 203

R204 Channel = 204

R206 Channel = 206

R207 Channel = 207

R208 Channel = 208


Please let Service Desk know if any further room channels are required.

IT Services, Runshaw College