Pastoral Logs - Editing and Deleting

If you make an error on a Pastoral Log basic text changes can be made by the creator on the day the log was created, after that any changes must be requested from the Service Desk as detailed below.

Changes cannot be made to log types, the log must be deleted and then recreated. Contact the Service Desk as detailed below to request the deletion.

To request changes or deletions:

Please raise a “Pastoral Log Deletion/Modification“ Self Service ticket via the Service Desk Portal for any request to edit or remove a Pastoral Log. You will need to log one ticket per pastoral log to be removed/edited.

Logging via this method should prove quicker for you as no screenshots will be required to be included in an email for example, you won’t need to describe which one it is you would like us to edit/remove, you will simply copy and paste the URL into a field on the below page. This will also really us streamline the process from our side.

The above page is available on the Service Desk Portal in the IT Services section:

If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the usual methods.

To get the Pastoral Log url:

  • Find the log on the Staff Portal

  • Select View Details

  • Click on the web address at the top of the page to highlight it

  • Right click & select Copy

  • Paste into an email or a self service ticket

IT Services, Runshaw College